Dr. Stainback has over 3 decades of direct operations experience in the nuclear industry including significant component manufacturing and security-related programs and projects for the Department of Energy and other USG agencies. This includes nuclear operations experience in high-consequence nuclear facilities such as BWXT Nuclear Operations Division (BWXT), the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12), and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). While at BWXT, Dr. Stainback had direct hands-on experience handling nuclear materials as an engineer responsible for various nuclear components for the US Navy. This experience provided a deep understanding of Nuclear Criticality Safety, Radiation Protection, Industrial Safety and Hygiene, Environmental Stewardship, Nuclear Security, Quality Assurance, and Work Management. After retiring from BWXT, Dr. Stainback served as a Research Professor at the University of Tennessee focused on domestic and international nuclear security matters. Dr. Stainback worked closely with US National Laboratories and universities within his teaching, research, and international outreach capacities. While at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Stainback served on many dissertation committees; advised student’s research and career paths; and collaborated with faculty/financial administrators to support the department and research goals. After leaving the University of Tennessee, Dr. Stainback started and continues to do licensed clinical work in the field of credibility assessments. Dr. Stainback holds a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology from Old Dominion University, an M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering Administration from George Washington University, and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Tennessee.